
Make Your Voice Heard

Sign this Electronic Petition

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As customers of the United States Postal Service, we, the undersigned, voice our strong objection to attempts to eliminate curbside delivery of mail in new residential subdivisions.

The elimination of curbside delivery is discriminatory, since only new neighborhoods are subjected to cluster box mail delivery. It is unconscionable for the United States Postal Service, under the guise of saving costs and mail security, to reduce the service given to new customers below that afforded to existing customers.

Adding to the unfairness of the change, postage rates remain the same for all customers, regardless of the delivery method.

Further, we feel that the safety and security of our families is compromised by requiring new postal customers to leave their property to acquire a service that is the basic function of the United States Postal Service to provide.

We strongly object to the requirement of cluster box mail delivery. Cluster box delivery of mail is unsightly, unwanted, and unsafe. We urge Congress to fight against this unfair practice. Help us save curbside delivery and save our mailbox.

Thank you very much.